Volume 10: From Many People to One People

Once Jesus ascended into heaven, our mission on earth began. The Book of Acts picks up the gospel narrative as Jesus’ name spread and His church grew. The promised gift of the Holy Spirit transformed and empowered the early church and still transforms and empowers us today. While exploring the fundamentals of our faith, your preschoolers and kids will see how the gospel completely changes our lives and also leads us to share the good news with others.

Disciple Your Kids Digitally

If your kids ministry prefers digital resources, we provide a digital curriculum experience for your kids, leaders, and the whole church. Ministry Grid's simple, churchwide online platform makes Lifeway’s digital curriculum easy to:

  • Curate, customize, and create content based on your church’s needs

  • Easily share and distribute resources and trainings 

  • Disciple people in a group or at home

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