Zip for Kids
shop allImpact The Kids In Your Community With A Flexible & Customized Event
A great follow-up event to VBS or a fall retreat.
This customizable event gives you the flexibility and freedom to impact kids where they live. A one-of-a-kind event great for preschoolers through sixth grade.
Use It For
Creating your own VBS or VBS follow-up
Camps: Day / Fine Arts / Sports
Midweek program
Other summer events
Fall retreat
Zip for Kids is great for any kids ministry, anywhere! Select the activities that fit the interests, gifts, and needs of your church and community.
How Zip for Kids Works
Zip for Kids gives you everything you need for your event, taking the stress away from planning, letting you focus on your creative touches. Watch these simple videos to see what it takes to make Zip for Kids work in your community.
Start With Zip Essentials, Add Media and/or Tracks

Zip for Kids Essentials
Get started with these great items.

Zip for Kids - Media
Add media to take your event to the next level.

Zip for Kids Tracks
Choose from an assortment of tracks.

Zip for Kids Preschool
Plan specifically for preschoolers.