Pastor Resources
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Get the Pew to Pew Insights Report from Lifeway Research - FREE

Lifeway Research conducted a comprehensive study on churchgoers in the United States, focusing on reasons people change congregations. In the Pew to Pew Insights Report, get an inside look at both the movers—those leaving a church because of a change in location—and the shakers—those leaving for reasons closer to home. In this report, you’ll find actionable insights based on research that you can apply in your church’s ministry.
Research and Insights to Share with Your Church
Find helpful articles that enlighten today’s church on a variety of topics such as culture, preaching, American views, and more.
Popular Research Articles
Church Switchers Highlight Reasons for Congregational Change
Church Switchers Identify Factors Behind Their Decision, Expect a Lot From New Congregation
Research Reveals Importance of Small Groups, Evangelism, Assimilation for Church Growth
Helpful Insights
Training is an essential part of church ministry. Yet, only 1 in 4 churches train their leaders.
Ministry Grid is the online tool to train, develop and disciple your church. Use our 850+ training courses or customize your own.
What can you expect with Ministry Grid?
Discipleship at your church's fingertips
Content built for customization
Train with experienced leaders and Bible teachers like J.D. Greear, Jen Wilkin, and many more
Design personal discipleship experiences

Customizable Resources to Fit Your Needs
Are you looking to create custom church curriculum for a sermon-based series, a personalized Bible study for your small group, or sermon outlines?
You can rely on the expertise of our Bible study authors to provide trustworthy biblical content that’s tailor-made for your specific church and small group needs.
The Glass House Podcast with Ben and Lynley Mandrell
Lifeway’s “The Glass House” is a space where ministry leaders will shed light on the challenges they often don’t feel permission to talk about. Listeners who work in the trenches of church life will feel seen and gain tools to navigate ministry and life.
Those who live outside this “glass house” will better understand what it’s like to dwell there.Join Ben and Lynley Mandrell for these shockingly confessional—yet redemptive—conversations.
Sunday School Curriculum
Find the Bible study curriculum that's right for your group.
A new digital curriculum to reach the next generation.
Bible Studies for Life
Tackles real life issues, while creating a safe environment for spiritual conversations.
The Gospel Project
Christ-centered, chronological studies help you understand the unifying story of Scripture.
Explore the Bible
Expository, book-by-book Bible studies for kids, students, and adults.
YOU Bible Study
A Bible study for and by the urban and multicultural church.
Customize your Bible studies on virtually every text and topic in the Bible.
Adaptable Sermons and Articles
Adaptable Easter Sunday Sermon Outline
This sermon is based on a lengthy passage. Depending on your style and available time, you may choose to summarize the narrative and only read selected portions.
Is Your Church Welcoming to People with Disabilities?
Putting a plan in place that accommodates all types of special needs.
3 Things Pastors and Teachers Like about the CSB
Church leaders and Bible teachers give their review of the Christian Standard Bible translation.