In Summer 2025, kids will dive into the genres of history, prophecy, and gospels. Stories from 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles guide boys and girls to understand how God's people continually disobeyed His direction and the consequences their sin brought. Minor Prophet stories help kids see that God is in control, and He can always be trusted. John's Gospel highlights Jesus' early ministry and confirms that Jesus is the Messiah sent from God.

Disciple Your Kids Digitally

If your kids ministry prefers digital resources, we provide a digital curriculum experience for your kids, leaders, and the whole church. Ministry Grid's simple, churchwide online platform makes Lifeway’s digital curriculum easy to:

  • Curate, customize, and create content based on your church’s needs

  • Easily share and distribute resources and trainings 

  • Disciple people in a group or at home

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