How To Use The Kids Devotionals

Each devotional works well as a stand-alone piece, however, they are designed to align with Bible Studies for Life: Kids, which build on or relate to the lesson each week. Simply place the devotional in parents' hands as they pick up their kids, communicate the value of the devotional, and that it's a tool they can use to take their faith into the home. What parent doesn't want that?  It's another great way to help parents disciple their kids at home.

More Devotional

Ages 4-7

Invite kids to begin a daily time with God.

Adventure Magazine

Ages 7-10

Help kids discover a quiet time with God.

Bible Express

For Preteens

Help preteens grow spiritually through daily Bible reading.



Use Lifeway Kids devotionals with purpose and intention and watch how doing a devotion on a regular basis can actually lead to being devoted to Jesus.

Lifeway Kids offers three monthly devotionals for boys and girls: More (ages 4-7), Adventure (ages 7-10) and Bible Express (ages 10 and up). These age-level devotionals are designed to help kids find time with God in the midst of a busy week.

  • Imagine if all the energy and effort you put into the weekend's ministry was actually taken into the home.

  • Consider children living out their faith on a day-to-day basis

  • Think about the impact kids will have in shaping their culture if they became devoted to Jesus.